Recycle & Re-use

How to help recycle and re-use your hot tub water.

In our efforts to help protect our environment, you can help at the end of your hire. When you have decided you won't be using the hot tub again before it's picked up, use the bubbles as much as you can to evaporate the chlorine and do not put the chlorine floater back into the hot tub. We will test the water to see if it is safe and if you consent, the water can be used to water your lawn, flowers, trees etc.

In order to make sure that the hot tub water is safe for the lawn, we will make sure that the chlorine level is zero and Ph level is between 7.0-7.8. The water will be sprinkled across the lawn/garden and not flooded.

Other ways the water can be re-used;

- Water around your home. During the summer, your home's foundation or concrete driveway may benefit from some water to prevent cracks in the material and it drying out.

- Car Wash. If your car is nearby, let us give it a wash!

Thank you for helping us and the planet.

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